Buff Polish Chicks want details about my first writing contract for Just A Couple of Chickens, so I made a movie. Because chicks dig movies.
I was so excited when my first book, “Just A Couple Of Chickens” came out in 2010.
I was even more excited when it began to sell,
and when it got good reviews,
and when I heard from readers about how much they have enjoyed reading it.…
I got all wrapped up in building a website to promote the book,
And establishing connections with distributors… something my husband, Andrew, is uniquely supremely gifted at doing, which led to sales of over 1,500 copies.
So I thought I would make a little movie to share some of the details of my first writing contract for this first book…. and here it is.
« 337 lb Bluefin Tuna caught at the Cabo Blanco Fishing Club in 1957 How Many Eggs Will A Hen Lay? »
I love the film. You’re such a lunatic, Corinne, and you’re my hero. I adore your book. Heck, I’m gonna post it on FB right now and tell the world.
Wahooooo! Thank you Lauren! I hope you will put me top of your book announcement list? I’m a built in fan.
Oh that video is hilarious Corinne! You made my day.