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The Westchester Press originated in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2009, to promote the publication and sale of books by Corinne Tippett. The business has now moved to Portland, Oregon and is engaged in bringing out new titles in both hardcopy and e-book formats.

The Westchester Press does not, at this time, accept submissions from other authors or organizations. I am a self-publishing house and therefore publish only my own work, but coming soon, one of my product lines is a series of eHow books on self-publishing and do-it-yourself for authors looking to publish their own work.

I am interested in discussions with distributors, agents, bigger publishers, partners, or affiliates. Email is always welcome; click here to go to my contact page. So far, “Just a Couple of Chickens” has sold over 1,500 copies and is in over 90 retail locations nationwide. It is available on amazon.com and can be ordered through every bookstore, pretty much everywhere. I am not currently represented and invite agents and publishers to contact me. I own all the rights to all of my projects.

Each of my current projects has a planned sequel, which is also described on the related book page, along with reviews and publication details. Please check out my author bio here for more information, and sign up for our free newsletter full of news and tips and book release information.

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