Updating Books In Print is like a stroll through a garden of lavender. Okay, no it isn’t. But it is very satisfying.
Updating Books In Print is tops in excitement!
Okay, maybe not tops, but it is a useful and satisfying action celebrating your self published book. And it is free.
It is an important finishing touch as a self publisher.
Books In Print is a database managed by Bowker, the same agency that sold you your ISBN numbers. This step is where you assign your ISBN number to your title – letting the world know that it’s out there and how to find it. By the world, I mean libraries, bookstores, and distributors. And maybe traditional publishers who are madly trying to get in touch with you to offer you a mega book deal. Exciting!
You got to BowkerLink and sign in using the login and password you got when you got your ISBN numbers.
There is a place for a thumbnail image of your cover, in addition to the important publication details like title, author, publication date, etc.
This step is only available to, or required for, authors who have their own publishing company – and therefore own their ISBN numbers. And this step is one of the reasons a self published author should own their ISBN number. Your name goes into this important database along with your title.
After adding your title, cruise over to Publisher Information and make sure everything is current and correct.
There is a feature to this service called ISBN Logbook, which can give you a list of your ISBNs and what titles you have assigned to them. It costs $25. I suppose if you have lost your list of ISBN numbers and the titles you’ve assigned to them, this would be a good way to re-find them. But I have not shelled out the $25 to see how beautifully it is formatted.
Then you are done! Bravo!
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